Divide County Arrests: Mugshots, Inmate Records and More

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Divide County Search Guide

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2Click on Search button 
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4Click on specific citizen for more details 
5Retrieve citizen details, such as arrest records, mugshots, and inmate information 

Divide County Arrests Statics

In Cumberland County, the divide between state and county law enforcement is a crucial aspect of the criminal justice system. Each month, an average of 550 arrests are made in the county, with 130 of those resulting in inmates being processed and held in custody.


Mugshots play a significant role in the documentation of arrests. These photographs capture the appearance of individuals at the time of their arrest, providing a visual record of their involvement in criminal activity. In Cumberland County alone, hundreds of mugshots are taken every week, allowing law enforcement officials to identify and track offenders.

Inmate Records

Once arrested, inmates' information is carefully documented and recorded in inmate records. This information includes personal details, charges, and any additional relevant data. These records are invaluable for law enforcement agencies, as they help in tracking the movements and activities of individuals within the criminal justice system.

Divide County: Sheriff Offices and Facilities

Sheriff Office Facilities

The sheriff offices in the county divide are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to carry out their duties effectively. These facilities include:

  • Administrative Offices: These offices serve as the headquarters for the sheriff's department, where administrative tasks and coordination activities take place.
  • Detention Centers: The sheriff offices have dedicated detention centers to house arrested individuals. These centers ensure proper care and security for individuals in custody.
  • Communication Systems: The sheriff offices are equipped with advanced communication systems to facilitate effective communication between various law enforcement agencies and emergency services.
  • Patrol Vehicles: The sheriff's department maintains a fleet of patrol vehicles to ensure rapid response and enhance their presence in the community.

Divide County Jails

In the divide county, jails play a crucial role in the criminal justice system. They serve as facilities for the detention of individuals who have been arrested and are awaiting trial or sentencing. Jails are operated by county governments and are responsible for housing both pre-trial detainees and sentenced individuals with shorter sentences.


  • Divide County Jail is located at 300 North Main Street, Crosby, ND, 58730-0275.

Jail Facilities

The jails provide various facilities to ensure the safe and secure detention of inmates. These facilities include:

  • Individual cells with beds and basic amenities
  • Medical facilities and healthcare services
  • Visitation areas for family and friends
  • Recreational spaces for physical activity
  • Education and vocational programs

Exploring the Jail Environment

The jail environment is designed to maintain order and security while also providing opportunities for rehabilitation. The number of arrests processed by the sheriff's office directly impacts the jail population. On average, the sheriff's office makes approximately 500 arrests per month.

The sheriff's office operates in close collaboration with the jail facilities to ensure the smooth functioning of the criminal justice system. The jail environment is carefully monitored to prevent any potential incidents or disruptions.

By breaking down the information into concise sections, we can provide a clear understanding of the state/county divide, the number of jails, their locations, facilities, and the overall jail environment.


What is the significance of the County Divide in Culpeper County's criminal justice system?

In Culpeper County, the state/county divide plays a crucial role in the functioning of the criminal justice system. The state and county law enforcement agencies work together to ensure the safety and security of the community. While the state agencies are responsible for enforcing state laws and investigating major crimes, the county agencies focus on maintaining order within the county and handling minor offenses.

This division of responsibilities allows for a more efficient allocation of resources and ensures that both state and county law enforcement agencies can focus on their respective areas of expertise. By working in collaboration, they can effectively address the diverse needs of the community and maintain a balanced approach to law enforcement.

Additionally, the state/county divide ensures that the criminal justice system remains fair and impartial. The separate jurisdictions of state and county law enforcement agencies prevent any undue influence or bias that could arise from a centralized system. This ensures that every individual is treated equally under the law, regardless of their location within Culpeper County.

What role do mugshots play in the documentation of arrests?

Mugshots are an essential part of the documentation process when individuals are arrested. These photographs capture the appearance of individuals at the time of their arrest, providing a visual record of their involvement in criminal activity. In Culpeper County alone, hundreds of mugshots are taken every week, allowing law enforcement officials to identify and track offenders.

Mugshots serve multiple purposes within the criminal justice system. They act as a means of identification, allowing law enforcement officials to verify the identity of individuals who have been arrested. Mugshots also serve as evidence in court proceedings, providing visual documentation of an individual's appearance at the time of their arrest.

Furthermore, mugshots are valuable tools for law enforcement agencies in tracking and investigating criminal activities. By maintaining a database of mugshots, law enforcement officials can identify patterns and connections between different individuals involved in criminal behavior. This helps in building cases, apprehending repeat offenders, and ensuring the safety of the community.

What information is included in inmate records?

Inmate records are comprehensive documents that contain important information about individuals who have been arrested and are currently in custody. These records play a vital role in the criminal justice system, providing law enforcement agencies with valuable insights into an inmate's background and activities.

The information included in inmate records typically consists of personal details, such as the inmate's full name, date of birth, and physical description. It also includes details about the charges they are facing, the date and time of their arrest, and the arresting agency. Inmate records may also contain information about any previous criminal history, pending court dates, and the inmate's current location within the correctional facility.

Additionally, inmate records may include any relevant medical or mental health information that could impact the inmate's well-being and the management of their incarceration. This ensures that appropriate care and supervision can be provided to individuals with specific needs while they are in custody.

How do inmate records help in tracking the movements and activities of individuals within the criminal justice system?

Inmate records are invaluable tools for law enforcement agencies in tracking the movements and activities of individuals within the criminal justice system. These records create a comprehensive timeline of an inmate's interactions with the legal system, providing crucial information for ongoing investigations and the administration of justice.

By maintaining detailed inmate records, law enforcement agencies can monitor an inmate's movements within the correctional facility. This includes information about transfers between facilities, court appearances, disciplinary actions, and any significant changes in their legal status. These records help ensure that individuals are held accountable for their actions and that appropriate measures are taken to maintain the safety and security of both inmates and staff.

Inmate records also play a role in facilitating communication between different components of the criminal justice system. They provide a centralized source of information that can be accessed by law enforcement agencies, courts, and correctional facilities. This streamlines the process of sharing information and ensures that all relevant parties have access to the necessary data for decision-making and case management.

How can I access Culpeper County's mugshots and inmate records?

Access to Culpeper County's mugshots and inmate records is typically available through the county's law enforcement or corrections department. These agencies maintain the necessary databases and systems to store and retrieve this information in a secure and confidential manner.

To access mugshots or inmate records, individuals may need to follow specific procedures outlined by the county's law enforcement or corrections department. This may involve submitting a formal request, providing relevant identification or case information, and potentially paying a fee for the service.

It's important to note that the availability of mugshots and inmate records may be subject to certain legal restrictions or privacy considerations. The release of this information is typically governed by state laws and regulations, which aim to balance the public's right to access information with the need to protect individuals' privacy and ensure the integrity of ongoing investigations.

For specific information on accessing mugshots and inmate records in Culpeper County, it is recommended to contact the relevant law enforcement or corrections department directly. They will be able to provide guidance on the process and any applicable requirements.